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Thursday, May 1, 2008

VPS vs Dedicated Servers Comparison

VPSs (Virtual Private Servers) allows hardware to run at a higher utilization rate. They are cheaper since usually they have less power costs than one physical server.

Their maintenance is still more expensive since it is difficult to patch all virtual servers running different operating systems on different physical servers which still needs separate maintenance. All maintenance on higher amount of systems must be done quick so maintenance time is as low as possible.

It might be difficult to make backup of one arbitrary software. Security issues are more complex in VPS providers than in dedicated server providers. There are two layers of security : both physical server security and VPS security. VPS monitoring might be more difficult than dedicated server monitoring.

VPS requires usually more expensive drivers like multi-port network adapters and more physical connection than dedicated server. There are some more management problems since you will use more Ethernet cables and network equipment like switches.

VPS providers tends to need more IP addresses than dedicated providers. If you have only 100 physical computers with 20 VPS on each it is still 2000 IP addresses. Also, physical system which runs more VPS might have very high number of packets per second (PPS) though network. It is difficult to manage large number of IP addresses, MAC addresses etc.

There are sometimes software licensing advantages when running VPS. Some software licenses are by number of physical processors or physical computers and therefore they are cheaper when you can divide its price by number of VPS on one physical computer.

VPS performances nowadays are very good with overhead less than 5% on some modern virtualisation software like Virtuozzo. But, disk I/O performances might have bottlenecks due to more disk fragmentation.

Mr. Adamovic is software developer and linux fan who recommends the following websites: Cheap VPS, VPS deals, promo codes and discounts, VPS Review Magazine.

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What Are International ISP & Global ISP?

The world has become a lot smaller of a place these days. For businesses, the marketplace has extended to include the entire globe. Many more people are traveling much more extensively for business and personal reasons. Staying in touch and being able to communicate quickly have become important in todays world. Thats where the new technology offered by international ISPs is becoming increasingly useful. Everyone is now as close as you need or want them to be.

The global Internet service providers make access available in over 150 countries on five continents. The technology makes it possible to connect with the Internet with your PC, Mac, PDA or other mobile device. Their aim is to provide access that is easy to use. They provide access that is as fast as you need it to be, and will work with the system you have. You can get dial-up, wi-fi, broadband, and satellite access, so that it is convenient for you and you dont have to change the hardware and software that you currently possess. Their goal is also to have Internet service in as many places as possible, and most of these companies are working to make it available in more places every day. Soon, the entire planet will be accessible with these global ISPs. They are also very competitive when it comes to price. Each of these types of international providers has different plans to suit any budget and any need. Most of them bill by the second and offer a pay as you go kind of deal. Others require some type of service commitment, but the various plans are very flexible and affordable for nearly anyone.

The billing process is also very streamlined. Your bill arrives monthly by email, and usually details your usage by date and time, the duration of usage and the location in which it was used. This makes it very easy to see if the current charges are correct, and the billing is understandable and clear.

All of the companies that are international ISPs have excellent customer support. It is offered round the clock in every country, so that if you have a problem or issue, it is a toll-free call from wherever you are. They work hard to minimize any downtime and make sure that the service you receive is of the quality that you expect. If you have a problem, you will always have live technical support to help you out.

A global ISP is another step in the right direction for both small and large businesses. It is another way that the future is becoming an easier place to navigate and communicate with others around the planet. The future is here, so it is time to embrace the possibilities.

Bob Hett offers great tips and advice regarding all aspects of Internet Service Providers. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting

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