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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What a Broadband Phone Really Is

You may have heard the terms broadband phones,internet phones, or even voice over internet protocol, but do you really know what they mean or how they work? With the gaining popularity of these on line communication tools, you should understand exactly what these things really are and how they do what they do.

Broadband phone actually uses voice over internet protocol (VoIP) to carry phone calls through the internet. This is an alternative way to transmit the call to the traditional telephony network. To say it another way, the calls go through the internet instead of traveling through traditional phone lines.

How does it work, though? The VoIP, when you place a broadband phone call, converst your voice into what can be best described as tiny digital packages. These packages are fired over the internet and then changed back to the signals necessary for the receiver to transmit them in language that you understand as the voice on the other end.

To get a broadband phone, you do have some options. A hardware broadband telephone uses an adapter. You connect this hardware to the router on your network or to your PC directly. Another option is software. The broadband software is a program that makes broadband calls.

This technology is being called the future of communications. Such hype is sending communications companies into a frenzy as they race to offer it so as not to get left in the dust as more and more of the public drops traditional phone service for broadband phones. Companies that fail to get in on the broadband call business risk going the way of the dodo. With that in mind, many of the companies are already offering VoIP technology, and every day more are joining in.

The reason the broadbad phone companies are so popular is that they can be done cheaper than traditional phone services. You see, because the calls bypass regulary Telco tolls, the companies using broadband can offer much lower rates. This is particularly true on long distance calls, making them similar to cell phones in that sense. While currently the broadband phone services may not offer quite as much reliability and quality as traditional phone lines, the technology is improving almost constantly and wont be far behind. For the money, though, the internet is already showing itself as the way to go to save on phone service.

If you decide that going with one of the many broadband phone companies is the way you want to go, then you will need to make sure you have a couple of things so that your transition to cheaper phone calls will be smooth. First, you will need to make sure you have a good reliable broadband internet service in your home. You will next need a telephony adapter installed. You will be plugging your home phone into the telephony adapter which will then plug into your cable or DSL modem with a network cable. Since internet connections are reliant on the modem which is powered by electricity, you will lose your phone service if you lose power. One thing you may want to consider, since you wont lose your cables function with an electricity loss, is to get some sort of power source you can plug into the modem in case of a power outage. Get all of that together, call the company of your chose, and you will be using the internet to make your phone calls before you know it.

Christopher M. Luck has over 13 years experience in dealing with broadband phones and is now offering his free professional broadband phone advice to the public. If you are at all interested in Christopher's professional broadband advice, tips, or secrets, you can visit his broadband blog

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OC3, OC12 & OC48 Bandwidth-Ideal Solution For High End Users

The ideal solution for high end bandwidth users where connectivity is essential for operations isn't a simple T1 or DS3 dedicated need an "OC" fiber optic network. So just what is OCx, what can it do for you, and what do you need to know?

What is an OCx Circuit?

'OC' stands for Optical Carrier and is used to specify the speed of fiber optic networks conforming to the SONET standard. SONET, (Synchronous Optical Networks), includes a set of signal rate multiples for transmitting digital signals on optical fiber. The base rate (OC-1) is 51.84 Mbps. Certain multiples of the base rate are provided below with bandwidth amounts. Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) makes use of some of the Optical Carrier

Optical Carrier lines provide content providers, ASP's, ISP's & large enterprises with dedicated Internet connectivity. These Optical Carrier Level circuits are an ideal solution for high end bandwidth users where connectivity is essential for operations. Some examples are large data centers, high tech research facilities, university infrastructure, airport
complexes, and casino video security and data systems.

What is an OC3?

An OC3 can be three DS3s (T3s) or one 155M pipe. The benefit in using DS3s is that each can be separated back out as individual T1s (each with 24 channels). To put it into perspective, the speed of an OC3 connection is 155Mbps. This is equivalent to 3 T3 lines or 100 T1 lines. An OC12 connection is 622Mbps, equivalent to 14 T3 lines or approx. 414 T1 lines.

What is an OC12?

An OC12 is approximately equal to 4 OC3s and runs at 622 Mbps. which makes it an excellent point-to-point IP delivery connection. The greatest benefit to an OC-12 is that bandwidth can be added to a business as it grows without any major system overhauls. An OC12 can also allow a business to have unlimited IP addresses which insures that growth is never limited...

What is an OC48?

An OC48 works as a reliable fiber optic backbone for large networks which require volume extensive voice/data/video traffic. It is a long-haul backbone fibre connection capable of transmitting data at 2.45 Gbps. To put it into perspective the speed of an OC48 is the equivalent of having 48 T3's OR 1,344 T1 lines.

The pricing for these type of connections can vary widely depending on the carrier, location of service and the exact application for which the connection is intended to be used. Due to this complexity it is suggested to use the services of a consultant such as "" to research available providers and find the best fit to meet a specific requirement.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

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How to Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection for DSL or Cable Service

One of the common problems among internet users is testing their internet connection to pinpoint the exact problem. There is a big number of internet users who use DSL, and cable modem service.

You set us your connection the way your ISP (internet service provider)instruct you to. Sometimes, it doesn't work for numerous reasons.

You service is not ready, your hardware in not connected properly, or your ISP is having problems.

Whatever the cause of the problem maybe, there are some diagnostic tools you can use in Windows XP, in order to identify the problem.

If you are not exact in your diagnostic, you will get a good idea at least.

Before we get to the diagnostic tools, let us discuss what is involved in an internet connection.

The information travels over the internet to your computer through your ISP service. This is done through a High speed modem then to a network card installed in your computer.

Your computer is called a host, your service provider will give you the DNS IP address, and you get your login and password. That is all what you have from your ISP.

Sometimes, your internet connection fails, and you want to find out the problem. You may be able to fix it, or at least get some information about the problem to advise your isp for help.

You will start by accessing the command prompt by going in sequence to:

Start menu, program, accessories, then command prompt. A window will open where you type commands from the prompt.

At the command prompt, you type: IPCONFIG. This command will give you the active network connection on your computer. Here is an example:

PPP adapter Copy :

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

The above output was produced when I ran the Ipconfig command on my own computer running Window XP OS, and A DSL connection. The IP address is my computer address assigned by the ISP.

Please note, you can add an option to this command, in order to get more detailed information about your connection. Here is the output, when I ran the same command with the "all" option.

Ipconfig /ALL

PPP adapter Copy :

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : WAN (PPP/SLIP) Interface
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-53-45-00-00-00
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : NetBIOS over TCP/IP. . . . . . . . : Disabled

Notice now, the output includes the phisycal address of the network interface card installed in my computer. Also, you see the DNS IP addresses. With the above information, I didn't have any problems.

Supposed ,I disconnect my DSL connection and ran the command again, this is the new result:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Notice in this case, where I disconnected my connection, you don't get a DNS server. This tells you that I am not connected to the internet.

Also, notice the IP address starts with 192.168, which is the default address whenever your computer is not connected to the internet.

Another command is the ping command. It will allow to check if a computer is connected to the network and ready to communicate, whether intranet, or internet.

Once you run it,it will sent a packet to the computer specified and gives the time it took for the packet to travel. This is an a output when I tried to ping


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=55

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 35ms, Maximum = 39ms, Average = 38ms.

That shows that the host was reachable, and connected to the internet.

A very important command is the Nslookup. This will let you check if DNS (domain name server) is working properly. The function of the DNS server is to translate ip addresses to domain name of the networked computer. Here is an example:

C:> nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

So, you enter the name after Nslookup, it will give you IP addresses and vice versa.

In summary, there more commands in Windows Xp, but using the three above commands should give you a good idea about your internet connection problems. You can find where the problem is occurring. Is it your machine, or the ISP.

George Chamoun

For tips about your Windows XP computer, visit our new website:

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Mass Notifications Are the New Way to Communicate

This is the digital era. Speed is of the essence. And this need for speed is pervading our communication lines as well. However, the personal element is being lost somewhere. New technologies offer great ways to send out a mass message through your email provider or through standard SMS messaging.

At first, it seemed to me that this was rather unprofessional. But they are unquestionably a great way to quickly get general messages out to all of your customers, clients, and employees.

When it comes to types of communication, we have so many different options lying at our feet. Email and SMS are obviously faster methods than their alternatives. There is now a tendency to avoid making phone calls. If you have to call a real chatterbox your little five-minute message might pull you into a two hour discussion on the meaning of the universe.

Letters are barely an option anymore except for serious documents and messages that really need to be written down. In today's world, everybody is looking for a mode of communication that is at least marginally faster.

Email and SMS messaging both offer really fast communication at a level that cannot be beaten easily. With the birth of the email, communication between persons was greatly revolutionized. Email messages can travel thousands of miles in the matter of seconds, letting news spread at the speed of light. Text messaging is also a huge development as brief messages may be quickly typed during brief moments of downtime.

You can easily send a little note to a friend or contact while waiting for the crosswalk light to change or while you're waiting in line for the copy machine. The text message has also made it possible for us to instantly inform another person about things that matter.

Therefore, it makes sense that emails and SMS messages should be very effective on a large scale if you're able to do mass messaging on either format. If mass messaging is you aim, the humble email should help you do that. You can just add emails from your address book to the receiver section of the email message. Most applications have processes in place for mass selections or group selections to help expedite the process.

This is the ideal solution if you are keen to send out a single common message to a large group. Copying and pasting the same message over and over again just wastes time, and memos are often buried under the stack of papers that continuously flood everyone's desk. An email should be quick to spot, free to send, and easy to read.

If you want instant response, the SMS is your tool. The digital age means that just about everyone will carry their cell phone or mobile phone around with them at all times. There would not be any waiting required to make sure that the text message is received. Using a little service or a phone's built in service to send out a quick mass message will let you save your thumbs from a lot of unneeded strain.

Both mass SMS messaging and mass email messaging can let you take advantage of an established medium to quickly send out your basic messages and bulletins to employees and friends. This may not help you build personal relationships, but if you want a message that will get people on alert, this is it.

For SMS messaging and email reminders use our mass notification system.

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